‘The Lord has done this for me,’ she said (Luke 1:25).
How did Zechariah tell Elizabeth?
Read the passage we’ve been looking at in this Christmas Lights study here.
We can only imagine the conversation when Zechariah arrived home:
“What happened to you, honey?” Elizabeth asks, frightened.
Zechariah motions reassurance to her. He finds a scrap of paper and begins to write the story of what has just happened to him for his wife to read.
“I wasn’t even in the Holy of Holies where God has been known to speak to priests in days past. No, I was just burning incense in the Holy Place.
“As you know, honey, the incense represents prayers of God’s people. My heart was heavy because I knew how much having a baby would mean to us, and especially to you. I was asking the Lord in earnest to give us a son.
“Then, even as I spoke, an angel appeared by the altar of incense, and dear, the angel told me that my prayer had been heard. He said that you are going to have a baby and his name will be John.”
“A baby boy! Oh, Zechariah…can you imagine it! A little one in our home at our age. And God sent an angel to tell you, just as he sent an angel to tell Abraham that his wife Sarah would have a son in her old age!”
Elizabeth believed, yet she didn’t criticize Zechariah for doubt
We can’t know for sure what Elizabeth may have said. But there is no evidence that Elizabeth showed unbelief. God had recorded in the book of Genesis that Sarah laughed when she heard the news that she was going to have a baby. Likely he would have recorded a lack of faith in Elizabeth as well, had it been there.
Though both were devout, and Zechariah was a spiritual leader of the people as well, it appears that Zechariah may have had a weaker faith than did Elizabeth. The Bible says: “Zechariah asked the angel, ‘How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.’” (v.18).
On the other hand, the first words God records from Elizabeth in this story are words of praise to God for what he was doing in her life: “‘The Lord has done this for me,’ she said. ‘In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people.’” (v.25).
Zechariah’s penalty for his doubting was present the whole 9 months of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. What an inconvenience it must have been for Elizabeth that her husband was speechless throughout her pregnancy. But she didn’t concentrate on the inconvenience her husband’s weakness had caused. Nor did she criticize him for his weakness. Instead, she rejoiced in the fulfillment the Lord’s provision had brought.
Dear ones, your husband’s weakness or lack of faith may be causing inconveniences for you. But God will always be there for you. We are not to let our minds dwell on our husband’s weakness. Rather let us rejoice in our God’s sufficiency! He came to earth that first Christmas to meet our needs. He can still meet our needs today.
Written By: Lois Turley
Lois Turley is a retired registered nurse who lives in Fort Worth, TX. She founded and is the former author of the website “Hope In a House Divided” (now “Sis Live Your Best Life”). She is a published author in many publications over the years. She is a child of God and mother to two adult children, her daughter Denise and her son Nathan and mother-in-law to Nathan’s wife Nela. She is grandmother to two adult grandchildren, her granddaughter Emily and her grandson Devin and she is great-grandmother to Lee Anna.
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